Tuesday, September 30, 2008

chronic people intrest disorder

today i woke up, once again, to the mystery noise that travels down from my upstairs neighbor's apartment and into my ears around 7:30 or 8 a.m. every morning. i have yet to figure out what it is. sometimes i'm for sure that its a sewing machine. other days i can't decide between a washing machine and her repeatedly slamming some piece of furniture on the floor right above my bed. either way, i've grown to have a pretty funny interest in her life. i've made up all sorts of stories in my mind. like what in the world she does all day. school? work? whatever she does, its done whenever i'm away because she's ALWAYS there. always on the phone on her porch. and always jamming some insanely loud music that is so bad that i can tell it sucks just from the deafening bass. i haven't figured out a name for her yet...but that will come soon.

come to think of it...i've always had a serious interest in the lives of other people, even if i'm making them up myself. i have super vivid memories of riding around with my mom in the spaceship van when i was little. if we would pull up to a red light or were on the interstate i would name everyone we passed and wonder what their story was.

i still do this, especially in classes. i think its a way of entertaining myself, and it may be weird but i usually pick a person out in each of my classes and i try to learn as much as possible about them by just listening to the way they interact with people and side comments they say. by the end of the semester i could probably tell you their whole life story. like this girl ashley in my social philosophy class. i can't figure out what her natural hair or skin color is. she kinda looks like the porcelain dolls i used to collect. she uses words i have to look up, and that really pisses me off. like "idiosyncratic." good thing i learned that word in my personality class a couple of weeks ago because this chick likes to use words like this in every day conversation. at this point in the semester i can tell you what campus organizations she's in, where she lives, her speech patterns, nervous habits, and what people thought of her in high school and how she likes for people to think of her now.

is it weird that i know so much about these people that i have no relationship with? personally, i think it comes from this really deep desire to know others. i love to know a person's story, the way they think, and what makes their heart happy or sad. it makes humanity so much more interesting.

Monday, September 29, 2008

new to this life i'm living

i've been wanting to start this little blog for a while now. i'm in a place in life where, as my brother has desribed it, "you're world has been flipped upside down....and its not gonna stop for a while." it all started with a serious conversation and i a lot of prayer, but adam and i knew that now was the time we were to get married. not after graduation. not after we settled into careers. no, we have been called to build our lives together now...and i'm SO excited! this lead to a sweet engagement, moving from UT knoxville to finish my senior year at MTSU, 7 months worth of weddings planning, and now the biggest upside down turn my life will have taken thus far is in a mere 26 days. i'll be married!

so what better time to jump into blogging when i've got my hands full with a million other things? i mean what else are college students good for then finding ways to NOT to do what they should be doing. so here it is, a way for me to organize my thought, and a way for all of you to follow the happenings of my life!

and the name of the blog....i seriously could not think of anything else...but its true, some really do call me "greg."