Sunday, April 12, 2009

F3 in da hood

for some strange reason, i always thought that tornadoes were a myth. of course i saw damage they had done in places far away from me, but there was something just too fantastic about them to be real. anytime i saw that we had a tornado watch in knoxville, that translated to me that we were just gonna get a a lot of rain. i guess it made it a little more real to be sitting in our bathroom with all of our cash, the wedding album, and my cell phone in my back pack getting ready for the storm of my life.

i had been in class when the tornado sirens went off. we didn't know if it was real because no one had heard that the weather was going to get real bad, but we went into the hall anyway. it was my last class of the day and i didn't want to be stuck inside peck hall which just so happens to NOT have to ground floor. so, i ran out to my truck (thank God i didn't ride my bike that morning like i was going to) and sped home. i talked to my mom for a while and then called becca to chat. i was keeping a good eye out on the weather the storm the whole time and by the time becca and i hung up i thought it was all over. then it started storming like i have never looked like midnight outside and it was raining so hard i couldn't imagine how the sky could hold it all. that's when i realized, "oh crap, these things are real!" i was so sad to be alone, wondering if adam was ok. he had been working at the hospital since early that morning. how could i be apart from the only thing that keeps me sane so often at a time like that!?

it didn't last long, but for some people it will. we had a packed hospital when i went in that night, and 3 had died (two of them being a 3 month old and her mom). i found out later that our area of north murfreesboro had been hit the worst, and the actual tornado had come within a mile of our home. i find it so interesting that all of this happened on good friday. how fitting that we would have experienced our own 3 hours of darkness on the day we remember the crucifixion of our Savior and King? it makes surviving a tornado seem like nothing compared to being rescued from death as Christ did for us.

the pictures are some i found online that some people WAY braver than me took of the storm.