Wednesday, March 4, 2009

moment of silence

i just finished an unexpectedly awful midterm. it was a take home exam, passed out on monday, expected back on wednesday. it included 4 questions and the expectation that each be answered by a complete essay, and that the entire exam should come out to a 10-13 page paper. which would be fine...except we were given one full day to work during midterm week. we'll see what happens!

while i am here, adam is in the studio until 4a.m. this is kind of how our life has been this semester. because we are in our last semester and we HAVE to take certain classes that are only offered at one time, our schedules are completely opposite. so when the mr is at school i'm at home or work and vice versa. we are rarely in the same place at the same time. because of this i look forward to and even crave our moments of silence. its that moment when after days of only saying hello in passing we get to sit down together and just be. those moments are so refreshing. its something that we talked about wanting so much before we were married. living 3 hours apart didn't provide many moments to be. instead they were filled with intense conversation and wanting to just make out the whole time. having two days two make up for not seeing each other for three weeks was really hard! i can't even count the times we dreamed of being able to just live our lives together. so, here in our crazy and beautiful frustrating and exhausting it must be sometimes...we are trying to be thankful for those moments where we don't have to say of do anything.

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